high thermogenic foods

Thermogenic foods are those that, compared to others, consume a relatively large amount of energy to be digested by the body and, therefore, help in weight loss. high Thermogenic foods are ginger, hibiscus, nuts, pepper, among others. Read the article and check out our full list of the high thermogenic foods to include in your diet.

Kristina K Denis
6 min readMar 5, 2021

What are thermogenic foods?

When food is eaten, muscles in the gastrointestinal tract contract, digestive juices are produced and secreted, and nutrients need energy to be absorbed. In this process, called “thermogenesis”, the body consumes energy and produces heat.

High Thermogenic foods consume relatively more energy than others to be digested. When these foods enter the body, they use energy stores — also known as glycogen and fat — to be digested.

Glycogen is the form of energy storage from carbohydrates, while fat stores are found in the fatty tissue that surrounds the body.

Using these energy stores helps the body “burn” calories with physical activity. High Thermogenic foods are therefore allies in weight loss, without the need for food deprivation. However, the effectiveness depends on the type of food and the amount of food the person eats.

All foods have a thermogenic effect on the body, but some have more of this thermal effect than others. Protein contains most of it, carbohydrates come second, and fat last. Depending on the food consumed, we can increase the core body temperature of the body and help the body to expend more energy during digestion, which helps in weight loss.

A balanced diet is vital for weight loss, and creativity is the key. Here is a list of the best thermogenic foods:

high thermogenic foods

1. Coconut oil

It is said that coconut oil is more thermogenic than protein. But do you know why? Because the medium-chain fatty acids present in coconut oil stimulate the metabolism. So you can replace most of your fat sources with coconut oil, benefiting from its thermal effect. However, like most oils, your intake should be limited, as just two tablespoons of coconut oil provide around 100 calories.

2. Oats, quinoa and brown rice

Oats, quinoa, and brown rice are complex carbohydrates high in dietary fiber that the digestive tract cannot easily digest or absorb. As the body goes the extra mile to digest these foods, it burns a lot of fat. What happens is that these sources of carbohydrates pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract without significantly increasing the glucose content (compared to other carbohydrates), being allies in weight loss.


Due to the presence of a substance called capsaicin, peppers increase heat production in the body, increasing sweating. This whole process makes pepper one of the thermogenic foods that most aid in weight loss.

4. Cinnamon

If you are a big fan of cinnamon, you are going to love the next part: Cinnamon can help you lose weight by controlling your blood sugar. The compound found in cinnamon, which is coumarin, slightly dilutes the blood, which leads to increased blood circulation, which in turn increases metabolism. This is why it is on the list of thermogenic foods. Its blood sugar control property also makes it an ideal spice for type 2 diabetics, while blood thinning may be beneficial for people with heart or circulatory problems.

However, coumarin can cause liver damage if taken in high doses and may interfere with blood thinners. It is essential to look at the different brands of cinnamon and its coumarin content before using it for weight loss.

5. Ginger

Ginger, like pepper, also contains capsaicin. It is a thermogenic food, because it speeds up the metabolism, increasing the production of heat and the burning of fats and proteins.

6. Green tea extract

Green tea extract is a concentrated form of green tea. It’s high in caffeine and polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), two compounds that can help burn fat

  • Green tea: benefits and what it is for

Plus, these two compounds complement each other and can help burn fat, acting as thermogenics. An analysis of six studies found that taking a combination of green tea extract and caffeine helps burn 16% more fat than a placebo.

In another study, scientists compared the effects of a placebo, caffeine, and a combination of green tea extract and caffeine on fat burning. They found that the combination of green tea and caffeine burns 65 more calories per day than caffeine alone and 80 calories more than placebo.

To get the thermogenic effects of green tea, try taking 250 to 500 mg per day (if it’s in the capsule version). This will provide the same benefits as drinking three to five cups of green tea per day.

7. Beans

Carioca beans, black beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas … Also known as legumes, they are mostly made up of protein, rather than carbohydrates. And, as we know, protein is the nutrient with the highest percentage of thermogenic effect compared to other food classes. They also contain fiber and resistant starch (starches resistant to digestion equals more energy expended), which further increases the thermogenic effect. It is recommended to serve beans as a side, at least once a day, as they are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Plus, they contain little or no fat or cholesterol, which makes them great foods.

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  • Ten high protein foods
  • Beans: benefits, contraindications and how to do it

8. Cumin seeds

The substances present in cumin seeds make the spice a thermogenic food because they increase the basal temperature of the body. The compounds in cumin seeds that help with weight loss are antioxidants and phytosterols. These inhibit bad cholesterol.

Research has shown that three grams of cumin powder consumed daily for three months reduces body mass index and waist circumference.

9. Fruits rich in vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is the vitamin necessary for good resistance to infections and absorption of iron. Orange, berry, lemon, tangerine, pineapple, and tomato are just a few examples of fruits rich in vitamin C. Help you eliminate supplements, being excellent thermogenic food options.

  • Foods rich in vitamin C
  • What is vitamin C and why is it important
  • Vitamins: types, needs and times of consumption
  • The benefits of lemon: from health to cleanliness

10. Walnuts

Nuts contain dietary fiber, protein and fat. This combination makes this food highly thermogenic, as all of these substances present in nuts contain thermogenic nutrients, with dietary fiber being the most thermogenic of the three. This is why nuts are a good snack before, during and after training; they provide energy and nutrients without being really bulky.

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11. Cold water

Most diets recommend drinking plenty of water. This is because water helps the body digest food and dilute urine. Water also helps promote a feeling of fullness. And staying hydrated is important. Cold water, in particular, can help you lose weight as the body uses energy to balance its temperature. So, you drink ice-cold water, which is calorie-free, and your body naturally expends calories on its own. So, although water is not a food, it is worth adding it to your daily routine to achieve its thermogenic effects.

12. Hibiscus

One study examined the contribution of aqueous hibiscus extract to weight loss in obese rats. The conclusion was that plants of the species Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces act in reducing weight gain through increased thermogenesis and other processes.

Source high thermogenic foods

